• HTML5 Developer Conference

    This week, I was lucky to be able to attend the HTML5 Developer Conference in San Francisco. Here’s a few takeaways that I’d like to share! Module Based Design This was probably my favorite talk of the day. It focused on best practices for design of modern web applications and...

  • E2E Testing Strategy

    More tests! More tests are always better, right? Let’s reconsider, before answering that. Recently, I have been given responsibilities related to end-to-end (E2E) testing for a web application. The web application is primarily written in AngularJS, and I am using the Protractor testing framework provided by the Angular team to...

  • Blog.init()

    Well, here we go. Time to enter the world of blogs. Welcome! I’m excited to document and share my thoughts, experiences, learnings, ramblings, and whatever else I feel appropriate. Why did I make this blog? I’ve read other blogs before. We all have. We have a problem or something we...